Which Foods Are Good for Teeth? Foods That Whiten Teeth Like Pearls

Which Foods Are Good for Teeth? Foods That Whiten Teeth Like Pearls

Some nutrients are very important not only for certain organs of the body, but also for tooth and gum health. However, some foods not only protect the health of teeth and gums, but also help whitening them.

Beautiful teeth, healthy and beautiful smiles are everyone's dreams. However, not everyone's dental aesthetics are the same. The reason for this is genetic factors and some mistakes made during the period when milk teeth begin to fall out and new teeth begin to emerge. Even if our teeth are not aligned properly, we want them to be white and healthy.

A tooth that is not taken care of first starts to turn yellow, then loses its vitality and eventually decays and loses its function. At the same time, the gums are damaged. So, let's take a look at the foods that are good for dental health and accelerate whitening.

Foods Good for Dental Health

  • Dark chocolate
  • Hazelnut
  • Apple
  • Strawberry
  • Potatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Carrot
  • Celery
  • Green tea
  • Milk and milk products

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