9 Causes of Hip Pain, If You Have These Symptoms, Go to the Doctor!

9 Causes of Hip Pain, If You Have These Symptoms, Go to the Doctor!

Hip pain is a problem that can happen to many people. However, this problem may be a more serious health problem than anticipated. 9 causes and symptoms of hip pain.

Hip pain can occur for many reasons. Hip pain, which we usually think is caused by sitting for a long time, may be a sign of a more serious problem. This can cause more serious pain.

Wherever your workplace is, if you are white collar, your job is a desk job. This means sitting still for long hours in the same place. Sitting for long periods of time can cause not only hip pain but also many other health problems.

But if you're experiencing more severe pain in your hip that you ignore, this could be one of them. That's why you got help from a doctor without wasting time.


9 Causes of Hip Pain


Diagnosed in middle age and advanced age, this health problem is arthritis. The cartilage at the rounded edge of the thigh skeleton and hip socket gradually breaks down, causing a creaking between the bones. That's why you may feel pain. It's usually worse after a hard workout or when you haven't moved for a while.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Your immune system attacks parts of your body that may include the synovium. This normally thin lining begins to thicken and swell and make chemicals that damage or destroy the cartilage that covers the bone.


Too much sitting and too little exercise can, among other things, irritate the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the human body. This can also cause hip pain.

Hip Fracture

It is an infiltrate in the upper part of your thighbone. These bones are difficult to break if you are young and healthy. But if you're 65 and over, especially if you're female or have brittle bones (osteoporosis), even a small fall can cause it.


It happens that your thigh skeleton protrudes out of the upper pelvic socket. It usually requires a lot of force, such as when you fall from a ladder or get hit by a car. All this force often causes other injuries such as tissue tears, bone fractures and can even damage nerves, cartilage and blood vessels.


It is more common in female, firstborn and breech (foot first) babies. Wrapping your baby's legs too tightly can also cause this. Here, your hip socket isn't deep enough to fit the ball in. The slack ranges from a little wobbling to fairly easy pushing out (dislocation) to full ascent.


The fluid-filled sacs or "bursae" that facilitate the services between the eyebrows, tendons, and bones become irritated and swollen. It can occur in the outer bone of your hip (trochanteric burst), where it causes a sharp, intense pain that gradually fades and spreads.

Labral Tear

It can damage the cartilage on the bone of your hip socket, which helps hold the joint together. A sudden twist or accident could injure it or wear it out with the same motion. You may feel a clicking sensation and feel pain in your groin or hip.

Hip Strain

Using the motion of your hip joints is when you overstretch or tear any of the muscles and tendons that help. Engage many muscles such as your hip flexors, glutes, abductors, adductors, quadriceps, and hamstrings.

Source: WebMD

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