What is Othello Syndrome? What are Othello Syndrome Symptoms and Treatment Methods?

One of the most distinctive features of a good relationship is mutual trust. However, from time to time, a fight may break out due to jealousy and excessive jealousy. This relationship also becomes unpleasant after a while.

The secret to a good relationship is mutual trust and respect. Of course, there can be a little bit of jealousy in every relationship from time to time. Jealousy is an emotion like loving, crying, laughing, getting angry. However, there is a serious reason for possessiveness in people who experience extreme jealousy. In such relationships, the person who approaches his lover with an attitude of excessive possessiveness may overwhelm the person in front of him and make his life unlivable after a while. Othello syndrome also causes these symptoms.

Your Lover Might Have Othello Syndrome

Othello syndrome can be seen in relationships that end due to excessive jealousy. People with Othello syndrome may follow their partners and become obsessed by forming different thoughts in their minds with the thought that they are malicious.

When this condition, which appears in the form of delusions, is not treated, it becomes almost controlling, insecure, controversial and helpless.

Not Every Symptom Is Othello

It is recommended that people who see the following symptoms in their relationship with their lover consult a psychiatrist. Not every symptom should be referred to Othello syndrome. The best step to take in this regard is to seek advice from an expert.

Othello Syndrome Symptoms

  • Maliciously stalking/following a partner
  • Constantly questioning your partner's every behavior
  • Attempts to access the partner's social media accounts and secretly control who they communicate with
  • Don't be paranoid about who your partner is talking to in phone calls and emails.
  • Attempting to find reasons for suspected cheating by messing with partner's belongings
  • Visiting your spouse suddenly at unusual times, at work, at home, or outside
  • Attempts to limit the partner's activities outside the home
  • Emotional blackmail to control the partner's behavior
  • Attempts to isolate the partner from family and friends
  • Don't blame someone else for all the conflicts in the relationship
  • Not accepting feelings of jealousy and irrational thoughts
  • If the partner wants to end the relationship, they display stalking and other obsessive behaviors.
  • Threats of violence or resorting to physical violence against the partner
  • Suicide attempt and self-harming behavior

Othello Syndrome Treatment

Excessive jealousy causes a strong sense of possessiveness and pressure. People who try to form such relationships can often be prone to aggression, harassment, stalking, and even violence. Femicides can be committed within the framework of extreme jealousy. Therefore, if the person has delusions of jealousy, psychological support should not be delayed.

The frontal lobe disorder of the brain can be investigated in determining this jealousy experienced in Othello Syndrome. Treatment of Othello Syndrome can be done on an outpatient or inpatient basis, depending on the severity of the disease.

Antipsychotic drugs, which are also used in the treatment of disorders such as schizophrenia, are also used here. Individual and family therapy are added to the treatment plan.

Psychodynamic therapies, interpersonal relationships therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy are frequently used methods in the treatment of Othello Syndrome.

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