What is nymphomania (hypersexuality) and what are its symptoms?

Nymphomania is the name given to the uncontrollable excessive sexual desire, excessive sexual intercourse and inability to resist sexual urges in women. So what are the other symptoms of nymphomania that negatively affect life? Let's see together.

Nymphomania is a psychological condition in which a person cannot control their sexual behavior. The male counterpart of nymphomania, also known by different names such as sexual addiction, hypersexuality and compulsive sexual behavior, is satyriasis.

In the problem of nymphomania, sexual desires and fantasies reach an uncontrollable level, which negatively affects the work, family and social life of the person in general. The person becomes so preoccupied with sexual matters that he can no longer do the things he needs to do daily.

What are the Symptoms of Nymphomania?

Although nymphomania has some similar characteristics to substance abuse, the person is addicted to an activity, not a substance.

An individual with nymphomania displays symptoms such as uncontrollable masturbation, constant use of pornography, exhibitionism, voyeurism, excessive sex, and an inability to resist sexual urges.

What Causes Nymphomania?

The exact cause of nymphomania is unknown. However, as a result of the researches, it is claimed that the person experiences nymphomania due to sexual traumas, psychological and emotional problems.

For example, women who have been raped may sometimes engage in excessive sexual behavior as a personal punishment. For some women, sex can be a coping mechanism for childhood abuse or trauma.

How Is Nymphomania Treated?

Nymphomania or excessive sexual addiction can be treated with the help of specialists such as a psychologist, psychiatrist or sex therapist. The duration of treatment varies according to the underlying cause.

Psychotherapy and medications are sometimes used to treat nymphomania.

Also, because impulsive sexual behavior is risky, people with nymphomania are at higher risk of developing complications such as STDs.

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