What is malaria? Malaria Symptoms and Treatment

Malaria is a febrile disease caused by a parasite that reaches humans through the bite of female anopheles mosquitoes. So what are the symptoms and treatment of malaria?

Malaria is a febrile illness caused by a parasite called plasmodium. The parasite reaches humans through the bite of female anopheles mosquitoes. Malaria patients often feel very sick with high fever and chills. While the disease is very rare in temperate climates, malaria is still prevalent in tropical and subtropical countries.

Causes of Malaria

Malaria is caused by a type of microscopic parasite. The parasite is transmitted to humans mostly through mosquito bites.

Other ways of transmission: Malaria can be transmitted because the parasites that cause malaria infect red blood cells and are exposed to infected blood. Malaria can spread from mother to unborn child in cases such as blood transfusions.

Malaria Symptoms and Side Effects

The biggest risk factor for developing malaria is living in or visiting areas where the disease is present.

Persons at risk of more severe disease; young children and infants, older adults, people from malaria-free areas, pregnant women and their unborn children, poverty, lack of information and little or no access to health care.

People with a fever experience attacks from time to time. These attacks usually begin with chills, followed by a high fever, followed by sweating and a return to normal temperature. Malaria symptoms typically begin a few weeks after being bitten by an infected mosquito. Some malaria parasites can remain dormant in the body for up to 1 year.

Many malaria parasites are resistant to the most common drugs used to treat the disease. In long-term cases of malaria, the liver and spleen enlarge, followed by jaundice and anemia. Respiratory complaints and even pneumonia may develop.

Malaria Treatment Methods

Malaria is treated with prescription drugs to kill the parasite. Types of drugs and duration of treatment; It depends on the type of malaria parasite, severity of symptoms, age, pregnancy.

There is currently no approved treatment for malaria. However, vaccine and drug trials continue.

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