What is HPV? HPV Symptoms and Treatment

HPV stands for human papilloma. It is a group of more than 150 different virus support. Some types never cause problems, while some types cause many health problems, including cancer. What are the symptoms of HPV? Does HPV cause different diseases?

HPV stands for human papillomavirus. It is a group of more than 150 different types of viruses. While some types of HPV never cause symptoms, some types can cause many diseases, including cancer. Some patients do not always show signs of HPV. Therefore, even if you have the HPV virus, you cannot know without the necessary tests and examinations.

HPV Symptoms

The most common symptom of HPV is warts. However, not everyone with the HPV virus gets warts. They can appear in your genital area or elsewhere, depending on the type of virus you have. These warts usually go away on their own. Over-the-counter and prescription drugs can help you get rid of them faster.

How is HPV Transmitted?

HPV is spread through skin-to-skin contact. It is the most common type of sexually transmitted infections. Almost everyone who is sexually active will have at least one type of HPV at some point. If your partner has it, you can get it even if they don't have symptoms.

HPV Treatment

There is no cure for such infections. In most cases, you never know what you have. If HPV stays around long enough to cause a health problem, your doctor will treat it separately.

Does HPV Cause Cancer?

About 9 out of 10 HPV infections clear up on their own within a year or two. But some of the ones that go around can cause changes in certain cells that can lead to cancer. This can take 10 to 30 years.

Types of Cancer Caused by HPV

Almost all cases of cervical and anal cancer are caused by HPV. It can also lead to it in other genital areas, including the vagina, vulva, and penis. About 70% of laryngeal cancer cases are caused by it.

Certain things can increase your chances of getting cancer from HPV. These include smoking, taking birth control pills for a long time, and not taking care of your teeth. Your chances are higher if you have a weak immune system or have chronic inflammation due to another health problem.

Is HPV a Preventable Virus?

A vaccine can prevent you from getting this virus. It's best to get vaccinated before you become sexually active so your immune system is ready to fight it. The CDC recommends that boys and girls be vaccinated at age 11 or 12. Older children should have the HPV vaccine by age 26. If you're older, have already had sex, and have contracted some form of HPV, the vaccine may protect you. . Adults up to age 45 can also be vaccinated, but may benefit less in this age group due to previous exposure to HPV. However, pregnant women should not be vaccinated.

Do Condoms Prevent HPV?

If you're sexually active, these can help, but don't completely protect you from HPV. Areas not covered by the condom can still become infected. If you are within the recommended age range, vaccination is the best way to avoid getting vaccinated. But this does nothing to fight an HPV you already have.

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