What are the Symptoms of Hypermetropia and Treatment Methods?

Hyperopia is an eye problem that occurs as a result of the rays coming into the eye being focused behind the retina. A hypermetropic person can see far away but cannot see near objects clearly. So what are the symptoms and treatment methods of hyperopia?

Hyperopia is an eye problem caused by refraction of light by focusing it behind the cornea and the center of view of the lens. Although it is commonly known as "nearsightedness", some patients with hyperopia can see both near and far.

The critical point here is that the lens system in these people's eyes works harder than normal people. Hyperopia is a visual defect that begins in childhood. And the eyeball of these patients is smaller than normal people; not grown enough.

What are the Symptoms of Hyperopia?

  • Blurred vision of close objects
  • Squint eyes
  • Eye strain, redness
  • Floating eyes
  • Lazy eye
  • Redness around the eyelid margins
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Feeling of tightness in the eyes
  • Severe eye and headache
  • Blurred vision at night
  • Blink often

How Is Hyperopia Treated?

The aim of hyperopia treatment is to direct the light to the right place on the retina, that is, to the front. Convex lenses with thin edges are used for this purpose. These lenses are prescribed as +.

In the treatment of hyperopia, there are glasses, contact lenses or surgical operation options.

Surgical Intervention for Hyperopia

LASIK (Laser assisted in situ keratomileusis)

With the Lasik technique, a thin layer is removed from the anterior part of the cornea with a bladeless laser and the number is corrected by applying Excimer laser to the lower part.

LASEK (Laser assisted subepithelial keratectomy)

LASEK technique, on the other hand, is the Excimer Laser process that is applied without removing the thin layer in the front of the cornea. It is frequently applied in cases where the corneal structure is not suitable for LASIK surgery.

PRK (Photorefractive keratectomy)

This app is similar to LASEK. The difference is that in PRK, the thin living tissue called epithelium at the top of the cornea is completely peeled off and Excimer Laser is applied to the underlying tissue.

Lens Implantation

It is applied to patients who cannot be treated with laser therapy in many visual defects. There are varieties that are placed in front and behind the iris.

What are the Symptoms of Hidden Hyperopia?

Hidden hyperopia, which is generally seen in primary school students, does not give any symptoms. In general, these children see far and near clearly and well. However, they only have vision problems while reading and especially at night. Headache and eye strain occur with this problem. This leads to failure in school.

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