The 5 most common diseases in women

When the ailments or complaints in women are ignored or not treated, they can cause irreversible results. On March 8, International Women's Day, we wanted to draw attention to the most common diseases in women and their solutions.

Women often encounter gynecological diseases throughout their lives. Early diagnosis and routine controls in diseases seen in women are of great importance as they increase the quality and duration of life.

The daily problems that women always experience can be a harbinger of serious gynecological diseases. That's why doctors recommend regular gynecological examinations to women.

1- Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge is the discharge that is seen in every woman and is quite natural. These discharges are transparent and odorless. One of the most common gynecological problems in women is abnormal vaginal discharge. Doctors, who say that the change in the normal bacterial balance of the vagina can change the smell, color or consistency of the vaginal discharge, recommends cleaning the vagina from front to back and not using unnecessary antibiotics.

2- Menstrual Irregularity

'Disruptions in the normal menstrual cycle are called menstrual irregularities'. A menstrual cycle shorter than 21 days or longer than 35 days and bleeding lasting longer than 6 days is not considered normal. This condition is called menstrual irregularity. Although most of the menstrual irregularities are hormonal, they can also occur due to factors such as cysts and fibroids. Factors such as depression, stress, seasonal and environmental changes, excessive weight gain, and sudden weight loss can cause menstrual irregularity.

Doing sports and exercise, being at an appropriate body weight, getting enough sunlight and taking magnesium and vitamin D, which can be good for menstrual irregularity, may come.

3- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

It is one of the most common hormonal disorders in women of reproductive age, which negatively affects fertility and prepares a place for the formation of diseases. In women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, the hormone necessary for the maturation of the egg is not produced and ovulation does not occur because none of the eggs can mature and crack. In this case, it causes menstrual irregularity or absence of menstruation.

Maintain your ideal weight with healthy eating and exercise. Vitamin D supplements can be taken. Avoid sugary and processed foods. Grain products, fruit, vegetables, lean meat should be consumed and necessary support should be taken to keep blood sugar low.

4- Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence, which begins to appear after the age of 30 and gradually increases; It is an important problem that causes women to restrict themselves from social life for reasons such as smell and hygiene. Urinary incontinence may occur due to an inherited collagen tissue disorder. There are risk factors such as multiple births, smoking, obesity, giving birth to a large baby, a history of difficult birth, and failure of the hip muscles to develop with exercise. In the presence of these risk factors, it is seen at earlier ages.

In the treatment of urinary incontinence, the patient profile should be examined and the treatment method should be determined according to the situation.

5- Groin and Low Back Pain

Groin pain can be severe enough to affect women's daily lives. Inguinal and low back pain can originate from the reproductive organs, urinary tract, digestive or skeletal system. Treatment may vary according to pain. The cause of the pain is tried to be diagnosed by ultrasound and laparoscopy. Psychological support also helps patients.

Although such gynecological diseases may seem insignificant, they can lead to very serious consequences if left untreated. For this reason, it is recommended that women be examined regularly.

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