Stunning research results! Smoking 10 cigarettes a day increases the risk of cancer 20 times

One of the most important causes of cancer, which is one of the most important health problems, is smoking. Experts have proven in their research about cancers caused by smoking and how smoking triggers cancer.

A significant 10% of smoking-related deaths are due to passive smoking alone. The risk of cancer increases 20 times in those who smoke 10 cigarettes a day, and 5 times in those who smoke less than 4 cigarettes a day. While not smoking greatly reduces our own cancer risk, it protects our children and family members from second-hand smoke and reduces their risk.

There Are at Least 70 Different Carcinogens in Cigarettes

It can be said that the most important risk factor for the development of cancer is smoking. Smoking increases the risk of at least 15 types of cancer, including lung cancer, laryngeal, kidney, esophageal, stomach and cervical cancer. Cigarettes contain at least 70 different carcinogens. A significant 10% of smoking-related deaths are due to passive smoking alone. The risk of cancer increases 20 times in those who smoke 10 cigarettes a day, and 5 times in those who smoke less than 4 cigarettes a day. While not smoking greatly reduces our own cancer risk, we can also reduce their risk by protecting our children and family members from second-hand smoke.

Weight Can Cause Cancer

Weight is one of the most important preventable cancer risk factors.

Obesity is thought to be one of the important causes of the increasing incidence of cancer, especially at younger ages. Breast, ovarian and bowel cancers are cancer types that are directly related to being overweight. A 5-point increase in body mass index increases the risk of bowel cancer by 25 percent. There are 2 ways to prevent obesity. One of them is a balanced diet and the other is planned exercise.

Mediterranean Diet Reduces Cancer Risk

Consumption of red meat and meat products should be very low in this diet, which is rich in fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. Flavonoids and antioxidants, which are abundant in vegetables and fruits, and Omega-3, which are abundant in walnuts, flax seeds and fish, constitute the protective elements of this diet against cancer.

Walk For At Least 45 Minutes Every Day

It is protective against cancer by mechanisms such as stimulation of the immune system, reduction of inflammation, secretion of irisin hormone due to exercise. Exercise in the form of brisk walking for 45-60 minutes every day reduces the risk of developing some cancers, especially breast and bowel cancer.


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