How to Calm a Crying Baby? The best way to calm a crying baby...

Scientists have found the best way to calm a crying baby as a result of research. That research and its results that will be beneficial to mothers.

According to the news in News Wise, the latest research by scientists gives hope to parents whose babies cry excessively and refuse to sleep.

The researchers compared the responses of 21 infants under four conditions: "held by their walking mother, held by their sitting mother, lying in a still cradle, and reclining in a rocking cradle."

It turned out that the crying babies, held by their mothers while walking, calmed down and their heartbeats slowed down within 30 seconds.

More effective results were seen in the five-minute walk of the crying baby in the mother's arms. All crying babies in the study stopped crying and nearly half fell asleep.

A similar calming effect occurred when infants were placed in the rocking cradle, but not when the mother held the infant sitting or placed the infant in a still cradle.

The research has been published in the journal Current Biology.

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