How is a Stye Passed? Stye in the Eye and Its Treatment.

Styes that occur as a result of bacterial infection of the sebaceous glands located at the end points of the eyelids are often a harmless condition. However, it must be treated.

A stye is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands in the eyelid. Inflammation of the tear glands in the eyelid, which is responsible for oil secretion, is called a sty. A stye looks like a red, painful lump on the edge of the eyelid that looks like a boil or pimple.

Why Does Stye Occur?

A stye is caused by an infection of the sebaceous glands in the eyelid. There are several causes of inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

The first of these occurs when bacterial infections are transmitted to the eye through frequent hand-eye contact. However, non-compliance with eye hygiene rules such as not removing make-up and using clean contact lenses are among the reasons. In addition, fat accumulation at the bottom of the eyelashes, called biliary inflammation, or styes in the formation of dandruff are among the common causes.

How Is Stye Treated?

Stye types are divided into internal and external styes. The inner parts are formed on the upper part of the eyelid, and the outer parts are formed at the bottom of the eyelashes. Much more common than internal styes, external styes usually start in the eyelash follicle, sometimes in the sebaceous gland.

Most internal styes start in the meibomian gland in the eyelid tissue. As they grow, these strains on the eye tend to be more painful than external styes.

Styes go away within 1 week if the eyes are kept clean, that is, if the hygiene rules are followed. During this period, you can use the anti-infective drops and pomades recommended by your doctor.

However, if the stye has been present for at least two or three weeks, if there is a hardening inflammation in the eye and if there is no improvement despite the treatments, surgical treatment can be applied; With a small incision to be made on the eyelid, the infection is completely drained and cleaned. If the cyst is formed, it is destroyed without recurrence.

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