Health Benefits of Figs

Fig, which has taken its place in the markets, is undoubtedly a beautiful fruit known for its health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, minerals and fiber, figs are a health store. So what are the health benefits of figs? Let's take a look together.

Figs are a delicious fruit that is not very juicy, but has a delicate and sweet taste. Fig, which grows in hundreds of different varieties, especially in the Mediterranean climate, can be found almost everywhere from August to the beginning of October. However, these days, it has started to take its place in all markets as it has fully matured. On the other hand, you can easily find dried figs almost throughout the year.

Dried figs have more calories than fresh figs. 100 grams of fresh figs contain about 50 calories. Dried figs contain about 250 calories per 100 grams.

Figs contain high carbohydrates, less fiber, protein and very little fat. It is especially rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium and iron, and also contains powerful antioxidants.

10 Health Benefits of Figs

Fights Constipation

Figs contain insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber swells in the digestive tract with water, softens hard and dry stools, and facilitates intestinal transit in people with constipation.

Gives Energy

Rich in sugars, vitamins and minerals, figs are considered a good source of energy. You can consume figs instead of coffee or dessert.

Protects Bone Health

Figs are also rich in calcium. Protects bone health as well as teeth.

Shows Antioxidant Effect

Being rich in antioxidant polyphenols, figs help keep the cells in our body young and help prevent different types of cancer, including breast, colon and prostate.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Figs, which are low in sodium, help prevent high blood pressure.

Beautifies the Skin

Fig, which has anti-inflammatory power, helps to solve problems such as acne by eating it or applying it directly to the skin.

Strengthens the Immune System

Since figs are full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, they help the immune system to perform its functions and therefore better protect the body from external factors.

Eases Digestion

Figs contain substances that feed the good bacteria living in the intestines, namely prebiotics. When the bacterial flora in the intestines is balanced, it benefits not only digestion but the whole body, especially the immune system.

Good for Diabetes

Despite being sugary, the presence of minerals such as potassium and magnesium in figs helps to keep blood sugar under control.

Beneficial for Baby Development

Dried figs are an excellent snack during the nine-month pregnancy period when the body's need for vitamins and minerals increases. Especially the calcium contained in these fruits helps the child in the womb to reach his daily needs, which is beneficial for the correct development of the spine and bones.

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