Which Vegetables Have Protein? Vegetables Containing Protein

Protein is very important for a healthy body. So what can you do if you don't eat protein-containing animal foods such as meat and chicken? Here are vegetables that contain protein.

Your body uses protein to build your muscles and organs, deliver oxygen to the cells in your body, and keep your immune system working. Most people should get at least 10% of their daily calories from protein. This is about 56 grams for a man and 46 grams for a woman.

Meat is a good source of protein. But provided that you do not overdo it and eat a fatty meat. On the other hand, yogurt and eggs are also good sources of protein. But keep in mind that some vegetables also contain protein.

Vegetables Containing Protein


You can steam a cup of soybeans for a healthy, protein-packed snack.


Also used as a meat substitute in some recipes, tempeh contains about 17 grams of protein per 3-ounce serving.


Half a cup of cooked lentils contains 9 grams of protein. By preparing lentil soup or salad, you can protect your health and meet your protein needs.

Sugar Snap Peas

One cup of sugar snap peas contains about 5 grams of protein.


A large potato contains about 8 grams of protein. You can fry it in the oven or boil it for better health.


With more than 3 grams of protein per serving, broccoli is a great healthy snack.


A bowl of cooked white mushrooms contains about 3.5 grams of protein.


One artichoke contains about 3.5 grams of protein. All you have to do is boil it. You can also combine it with different vegetables.

Brussels sprouts

Half a cup of brussels sprouts contains 2 grams of protein.

Source: WebMD - Photos: Unsplash

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