How many walnuts should be consumed per day?

In terms of nutritional value, walnut has been defined as a superfood in recent years due to the fiber, vitamins and minerals it contains, and healthy fats. What are the benefits of walnuts? How many walnuts should be consumed per day?

The single-seeded, round, hard and shelled fruit that grows on the walnut tree is called walnut.

The benefits of walnuts, which are a source of healthy fat, protein and fiber, are many. It provides benefits in improving heart and bone health while providing weight balance.

What Are The Benefits Of Walnut?

  • Walnut, which contains about 90 nutrients, has a positive effect on human health.
  • When consumed regularly, it strengthens the immune system, gives shine to the skin and prevents the formation of wrinkles.
  • It contributes to sleep patterns by increasing the level of melatonin in the blood. It has a high antioxidant effect thanks to the melatonin and polyphenol compounds it contains.
  • Walnuts, which contain a number of vitamins such as magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus; It is rich in good fats, folic acid, iron and potassium.
  • Walnuts are also suitable for a gluten-free diet. Provides a range of nutritional and vitamin supplements for vegetarians and vegans.
  • It is known to prevent aging-related diseases, cancer and cardiovascular system diseases due to its abundance of antioxidants.
  • It is a true superfood when it comes to healthy and balanced nutrition.
  • Studies have shown that LDL, which is defined as bad cholesterol, prevents oxidative damage that occurs after meals in those who regularly consume walnuts.

Walnut Effectıve in Lossing Weight? How Many Calories ın Walnut?

If you have a habit of eating chips or chocolate in front of the TV in the evening, you can consume walnuts, which are healthier. It reduces the feeling of hunger as it is delicious and satisfying. Studies have shown that walnuts reduce the feeling of hunger and help inhibit appetite.

There are about 674 calories in 100 grams of walnuts due to their high healthy fat content. In order to lose weight in a healthy way and focus primarily on calories, one should be extremely careful when consuming walnuts. No more than 8 whole walnuts should be consumed per day.

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