Health Benefits of Parsley

An indispensable part of salads and meals, parsley is an antioxidant-rich and fibrous vegetable. So what are the health benefits of parsley?

Adding flavor to salads and meals, parsley sometimes sweetens our drinks. Rich in antioxidants, parsley is highly nutritious in terms of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Green leafy vegetables, which are recommended to be consumed in abundance by experts, have many benefits from kidney to oral health.

100 grams of parsley is about 36 calories. Parsley leaves do not contain fat and cholesterol. 100 grams of parsley meet 38 percent of your daily folate requirement, while providing 14 percent of calcium and 77.5 percent of iron. It also helps to meet the vitamins A, C and K you need daily.

Health Benefits of Parsley

  • Parsley leaves and stem are antiseptic and have a carminative effect.
  • It helps to lower blood sugar level.
  • Parsley has anti-inflammatory properties thanks to its beta carotene and vitamin C content. In this way, it has an important place in the control of arthritis.
  • Parsley, which plays a protective role against tooth and gum diseases, also helps to eliminate bad breath.
  • Parsley protects retinal health thanks to its beta carotene and vitamin A content.
  • Parsley, vitamins A, C, K, and folate strengthen your immune system, while vitamin A has a direct effect on lymphocytes and white blood cells.
  • Parsley, which contains chlorophyll, has antibacterial properties.
  • Parsley helps cleanse the liver from toxic substances.
  • Parsley, which has a high antioxidant content, is also protective against heart health and cancer. It also prevents the formation of free radicals.

Daily Consumption of Parsley

10 stalks of parsley meet half of the daily vitamin C requirement. Be careful not to drink more than 60 ml of parsley juice. Excessive consumption of parsley should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation. Excess consumption can be risky as it will increase contractions during pregnancy. During lactation, it can cause a decrease in milk secretion due to its diuretic effect.

Parsley is an oxalate-rich herb. For this reason, people with calcium oxalate stones in their kidneys should not consume parsley too much.

Excessive consumption of parsley can also cause skin rash. It can also cause the skin to be extra sensitive to the sun.

In addition, it is inconvenient for those who use blood thinners to consume parsley too much. There is a drug interaction with vitamin K in its content.

Parsley can also be dangerous for those with hypertension.

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