Health Benefits of Garlic. All About Garlic

Garlic is a type of plant from the onion family. Close relatives include onions, shallots, leeks, chives, and Chinese onions. Even in ancient Egypt, 84 percent of the garlic used for medicinal purposes is water. So what are the health benefits of garlic?

This bulb-shaped vegetable is part of the onion family, which also includes chives, leeks, and scallions. A garlic bulb is made up of many smaller pieces called cloves.

Garlic, which is indispensable in world cuisines, has been used as a medicine for thousands of years as well as giving flavor to the dishes. It is known that garlic cleans the intestines and has many beneficial effects from diabetes to cancer. The benefits of garlic, which is known as a natural antibiotic among the people, do not end with counting.

Garlic contains 84.09% water, 13.38% organic matter and 1.53% inorganic matter. Garlic with 33 kinds of sulfur compounds; It contains zinc, germanium, vitamins A, B1 and C.

Garlic Protects Cell Membrane

Garlic contains 'alliin' which is the precursor of allicin and contains sulfur. When garlic cells are damaged by peeling, cutting or chopping, an enzyme called alliinase is released, which reacts immediately with the alliin in its content under the influence of air. Allicin is produced as a result of this reaction. Allicin raises the levels of catalase and glutathione peroxidase, two antioxidant enzymes in the blood. In this way, the formation of more free radicals that can damage the cell membrane in the body can be prevented.

Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic raises the levels of two antioxidant enzymes, catalase and glutathione peroxidase, in the blood, thanks to the allicin substance it contains.

Garlic is good for intestinal problems such as colds and flu, and upper respiratory tract infections.

Garlic is a good source of selenium. Selenium is an essential element that is important for metabolism, the immune system, the thyroid gland, and healthy skin and nails.

Garlic regresses atherosclerosis.

Garlic regulates blood flow, dilates blood vessels and normalizes excessively high blood pressure.

Garlic contains 'saponins', which are secondary plant substances that have positive effects in the regulation of blood lipids (cholesterol).

Ajoene is also a sulfur compound found in garlic. It naturally thins the blood by breaking down the coagulant fibrin.

Garlic can neutralize blood clots and prevent thrombosis and strokes.

Garlic has lethal properties against all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms and parasites.

Since the intestinal flora constitutes the largest part of the immune system, garlic also contributes to the strengthening of the immune system.

Garlic heals urinary tract infections.

The sulfur compounds in garlic are known to have anti-cancer effects. The preventive effects of garlic on colon cancer, stomach and esophageal cancer, lung and breast cancer have been proven.

Scientists suggest that garlic reduces the impact of typical lung cancer risk factors (smoking, eating fried foods, etc.).

Garlic, with its 'detoxification' function, which is the process of purifying the organism from harmful toxic substances, strengthens the cell walls and supports the liver, preventing it from being worn out.

Garlic can be used to reduce the negative consequences of heavy metal poisoning (mercury, cadmium).

What is the Daily Consumption of Garlic?

In terms of both nutritional values ​​and content, daily consumption of garlic should be in a certain amount. If you have an additional disease, you should definitely consult a doctor. A healthy individual can eat 2 cloves of raw garlic per day.

In addition, when garlic is mostly consumed raw, its nutritional values ​​are utilized at the maximum level. After waiting for a few minutes, it should be crushed and consumed and should not be cooked for a long time. If garlic is added to the food after cooking, its nutritional value will not deteriorate.

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