What is Retinol? What are the Benefits of Retinol for Skin?

Retinol, which is the solution to almost every problem for the skin, renews and repairs the skin. If you want to use retinol, now is the time. All about retinol...

In addition to its success in cell renewal and repair, retinol or vitamin A makes the pores tighter and the skin smoother.

Retinol is the most well-known skin-smoothing, anti-blemish and anti-aging ingredient. Retinol, a derivative of vitamin A, fights multiple skin problems simultaneously by increasing cell turnover and reducing oiliness. It also has benefits such as accelerating blood flow to the skin and increasing collagen production. Apart from all these features, it is also a useful component in the treatment of acne.

The Right Time for Retinol

In the fight against acne, fine lines and wrinkles, dark spots, oily skin, retinol is one of the best helpers. At the same time, retinol, which helps the skin look brighter, removes color inequalities and cleans the pores, is not very suitable for sensitive skin. However, when applied gently and intermittently, it also has a positive effect on sensitive skin.

Retinol can dry or sensitize the skin. For this reason, moisturizer should be applied after retinol application.

However, when the dosage is too large or exposed to direct sunlight, it can cause skin sensitivity, irritation and even blotchiness. Therefore, the best time for retinol is spring and winter.

Use of Retinol

When starting retinol use, start with 1-2 applications per week. The best time to apply to the skin is before going to bed at night. Apply a pea-sized amount avoiding the eye area and wait at least 30 minutes before applying another product. If you're a beginner, avoiding combining retinol with other acids can help reduce irritation and sensitivity. If your skin is accustomed to acids and products, you can apply it confidently that it addresses the same skin problems.

Summer may not be the best time to use acid and retinol. So spring and winter are ideal times for this application.

Although Retinol, which makes your skin sensitive to the sun, is used at night, you should apply sunscreen before leaving the house during the day.

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