3 Most Effective Natural Pore Tightening Masks

Pore ​​formation on the skin surface is generally observed in people with oily and combination skin types. It causes open pores, blackheads, whiteheads and acne. This is because the pores are filled with dirt and oil. So how do I tighten pores?

The pores on the skin surface can be briefly defined as small channels that allow the skin to breathe and stay moist. However, the recessed structure of the pores; Make-up residues also cause dirt and toxins to adhere to the skin. This causes these residues to cause the appearance of pores over time. At the same time, acne, blackheads and whiteheads occur, especially in people with oily and combination skin types.

People with oily skin type prefer the facial cleansing products they use to prevent acne and blackheads, especially those with pore-reducing and firming effects. In general, manufacturers use pore-reducing and firming agents. However, such products give results in long-term use. On the other hand, if you stop using it, the pores may become apparent again. The recipes we will provide are both effective and inexpensive.

3 Natural Pore Tightening Mask Recipes

Lemon and Wheat

Flour Mask


  • Half a glass of warm water
  • A spoonful of lemon juice
  • 3 spoons of flour


Mix all the ingredients and create a cream.
Apply to clean and makeup-free skin.
Lemon will help tighten the veins.
Wheat flour will make your skin look more lively and tight.
The mask you prepare with these ingredients will prevent oiliness on your skin.
To see the effects, leave it on your face for about 20 minutes and apply it regularly.

Sugar and Lemon Mask


  • 2 spoons of sugar
  • 1 spoon of olive oil
  • Few drops of lemon juice


Mix all the ingredients well and get a cream. Apply to your face as if you were exfoliating.
After waiting for 1 minute, clean your skin with cold water.
Thanks to the antioxidant substances in lemon, your skin will be purified from germs and your pores will become tighter.

Egg White and Lemon Mask


  • One egg white
  • Few drops of lemon juice


Mix the two ingredients well.
Apply the mixture on your clean face.
Egg whites can freeze after they stay on your skin for a while.
After freezing, wash your face with cold water and apply a suitable moisturizer to your skin.

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