It is possible to rejuvenate with Face Yoga! All About Face Yoga...

Yoga is a form of exercise that focuses on breathing to increase physical and mental health. Yoga and its philosophy, which are very important for reducing stress, staying healthy and shaping the body, also work on the face area.

Yoga, the art of physical and mental relaxation, which has been known and practiced for many years, has recently emerged in different fields as face yoga. Known for its physical and mental effects on the body, yoga has proven its effect with regular movements in the face area.

It is very important to apply the right technique to all muscle areas on our face. The first thing to do before starting face yoga is that the face is very well moisturized. Movements applied to poorly moistened skin can cause redness and facial irritation. So make sure your skin is well hydrated.

Face Yoga and Techniques

Face Yoga for Lip Wrinkle

Curl your lips inward, press them together and smile. You will feel the muscles in the corners of the lips tense. Breathe in through the nose and stay in this position for 2 minutes. Exhale calmly and take a deep breath and repeat this movement 3 times.

Face Yoga for Neck and Jowl

Lift your head and look at the ceiling. When you feel your neck muscles tense, move your lower jaw back and forth. Repeat this movement for 3 minutes, then exhale and repeat 3 times. You will feel the most effective and visible results in face yoga in this area.

Face Yoga for Eyebrow

With this movement, it can be observed that the distance between the eyebrows and the eyes becomes clear after a while. On our well-moistened face, you can start applying small upward massage movements by placing two fingers on the temples near the eyebrows. You can do this movement for about 6-7 minutes. The trick in this face yoga exercise is not to wrinkle the forehead. During this repeated movement, it helps the muscles to frown and leave the eyebrows without wrinkling the forehead.

Face Yoga for Cheeks

To work and tighten the facial muscles, fill your mouth with air and inflate your face, hold for 5 seconds and then exhale. Repeat this move 5 times. In the second phase of the exercise, fill one side of your cheek with air and move it from side to side in your mouth. Repeat this movement for 5 minutes.

Face Yoga for Forehead

We should place 3 fingers on the upper part of our eyebrows and apply an upward pushing motion. On our moist skin, our fingers will slide upwards, stimulating and strengthening the muscles. The trick is that our eyebrows are V-shaped while doing this move. You can repeat for 6-7 minutes.

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