The Best Natural Sunscreen: Rice Soap

The easiest way to get rid of the harmful effects of the sun is to use sunscreen cream in summer and winter months. But many sunscreens are unnatural. You will like our suggestion. Let's take a look together.

Sunscreen creams are divided into two. One is mineral and the other is physical. Although both are offered for sale with a light structure, if you do not clean your skin well, it will cause acne, black and white spots.

Although mineral sunscreen creams are better than other sunscreen creams, their structure is quite heavy and is quickly absorbed by the skin.

Our recommendation to you is to use rice soap, which you can find in every pharmacy or natural product shops.

Protect in the Sun with Rice Soap

Thanks to the minerals and vitamins in rice soap, it is not only a natural sunscreen, but also destroys acne, freckles or color tone inequality in a short time. At the same time, by purifying the skin from excess sebum, you will have a more vibrant and bright skin. Of course, you can use at least 30 spf mineral sunscreen or a lotion suitable for your skin type, as it will not be enough to protect you from the sun alone.

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