New arrest for poisoning of more than 5,000 schoolgirls in Iran

Many suspects, who were found to be related to the poisoning of more than 5 thousand female students in Iran, were detained. Iranian Deputy Interior Minister Mirahmedi announced the new development.

Iranian Interior Minister Deputy for Security Affairs Sayyid Majid Mirahmedi announced that there is a new development within the framework of the investigation launched after more than 5 thousand female students were poisoned to death.

Stating that more than one person was detained in relation to the poisoning cases, Mirahmedi said, "The ministries of intelligence, health, education and training, the police force and the Revolutionary Guards Intelligence Units are following the comprehensive and detailed process of the poisoning cases.

According to intelligence data, more than one person has been detained in 5 states. A comprehensive investigation has been launched against these individuals.

Detailed explanation will be made by authorized institutions. The investigations by our intelligence units will reveal this more clearly."

Execution For Attackers

Iranian Judicial President Muhsin Ejei said in a statement regarding the poison gas attacks against female students across Iran that if the perpetrators are detected, they will be tried with the death penalty. Expressing that the judiciary will follow the issue seriously and the attackers will be punished in the most severe way, Ejei said, "The perpetrators of these attacks will be caught in a short time. They will definitely be tried for this crime."

Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, on the other hand, described the poisoning cases as a "crime against humanity" and said, "This crime is a huge and unforgivable crime committed against the most innocent part of society, namely children."

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